Saturday, January 3, 2009

I love this place

Here I am back at the hospital and clinic everyday through next week. They have determined that the kidney is being rejected by my body. They are three types of rejection, Cellular, Antigen, and Vascular. That is also in the order of severity. I have a pretty good case of Cellular. It could be worse but a lot of people dont have to deal with this at all. My life has now centered around defeating this. We have spent seventeen nights in a hotel room downtown Minneapolis, we then stayed at our friends the Saxons house for the next few nights and now my parents have come down to hang with us so we all got rooms at a Residence Inn downtown Minneapolis. My days have become pretty simple. I get up at 600 am head to the clinic sit in a hospital bed get injected with steriods, and anti-rejection drugs for six hours and leave and do it all over again the next day. Pretty boring. Netflix online has been my best friend I am currently starting season 3 of The Office. Last time I had to stay in the hospital it was a 24 hour queer eye for the straight guy marathon that got me so I always find something fun to watch.

Tara and I see this as a bump in the road. The good thing is my overall health has improved. I can now eat what I want which is something I haven't been able to do for two years. Its amazing how much I missed milk and yogurt. And I feel terrific! They tell me that will change if I dont deal with this rejection so I just nod my head and let these unbelievably smart people make all the decisions for me. I have said this before but I couldn't imagine a place greater than this to have it done. I have never met more people who genuinely care about the people that they are dealing with. My kidney doctor gave me his personal cell phone number and said call him anytime, I couldnt believe it. My kidney doctor in Maui doesnt ever call me back in the same day. This guy in MN sees tons of people a day. Im sure he doesnt give all this patients his cell number so Tara and I were really impressed. We have been spoiling everyone with chocolates and hawaiian coffee so we got on their good side early.

Anyway thats where we are now. We look forward to seeing our dog, our roomate, and all our Maui family hopefully within the next few weeks. We are really starting to miss everyone and we just want to wake up in our own bed, go to work, go to the beach, all the normal stuff we used to do. We are tired of strange beds and especially the weather. It was 5 degrees this morning on the way to the hospital. FUN!!

We love you all. See you soon.

Lee and Tara.

We will probably be close to tears when we set foot back in Maui because that will mean that hopefully the worst will be behind us and we can resume life as we used to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys, Please keep positive!! This "bump" on the road it's just that. Keep praying, and be very,very positive.
    Love you,
