Monday, January 5, 2009


Today we received some good news. The creatinine level in my body has lowered to close to a normal level. This was exciting news this morning because the frickin thing didnt budge for the first three treatments of the medications. But today, today was good. Doctors told me they would "accept", not be satified but "accept" anything below 2.0 Today it got down to 1.88 so they are pleased with the progress. I am hoping to show up tomorrow and have it even lower. But I cant be picky. I am fighting off a cold this whole time because of this ridiculous weather that I have to deal with here in MN. So I have to make sure to drink at least three liters of water a day and stay really hydrated. The worst thing a kidney transplant patient can have is dehydration. The kidney gets tricked into thinking that it doenst have to work anymore if you arent supplying enough fluids. So if you ever run into me back in Maui and I dont have a bottle of water with me punch me in the arm. Just not in the kidney. Any of the three that I now have.

Keep our fingers crossed for improvements tomorrow. Aloha.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to pass along my prescription. Drink Monster twice a day or as needed. Doctor's orders.

    Can't wait to see everyone back on Maui in good health loving life.

    Hang in there!

